1) Sun B: Funky Warrior II

Sun B: Funky Warrior II

This flow as you can probably tell from the description has a funky version of Warrior II meets downward facing dog asana. I learned this from one of my favorite instructors (Amy Baker) several years ago. A very cool combination of sensations. I have added two picture charts for this flow because the first time through the sequence there is a lot of opportunity to add asanas to really warm up the body. This flow is great for alignment based slower moving classes.

The second picture chart (2nd thru 5 times through) is breath connected movement. As always I hope that you will make this flow your own adding and subtracting what movements and asanas feel good.

Sun B flow: Funky Warrior II

**blue print indicates detail given the first time (or only time) through the flow. *in gentle or Alignment based classes I will only go through the sequence once on both sides. 

Starting in downward facing dog. 

Inhale: 1. right leg high

Exhale: 2. knee to nose and step through to 3.  low lunge 

Inhale: 4. Plant left/ right hand down and reach right/ left hand to sky into twisted low lunge 

1st time through add 4a. Drop knee and reach back wall 4b. Grab foot (pinky side of foot) *or reach for the foot.and twist staying rooted down through the foot on the floor- pressing into all four corners of your foot. Come back to 4 before moving to #5

Exhale: 5. Walk hands past low lunge center and all the way around to Prasarita padottanasana (wide leg forward fold) - stay for a full breath

Inhale: 6. Set your stance at Warrior II (Front facing) and walk on fingertips out in front 

Exhale/Inhale: 7. Still in Warrior II stance, walk hands to far corner and then set hands in downdog position- pressing into hands and pressing chest between hands- stay for a full breath

Exhale: 8. walk around back to Low Lunge

Inhale: 9. Crescent moon 

1st time through hold Crescent Moon, pressing into back Toes and lengthening through both sides of your waist. (*can add a shoulder stretch here) 

Bring hands to heart into 9a. Revolved crescent moon or lifting back knee off mat into Crescent Lunge. Come back to 9 before moving to #10

Exhale/Inhale: 10. Plant hands on floor and shift hips back and straighten front leg into Arda Hanumanasana (half splits) 1st time through point and flex foot. Holding foot in flexed position and folding - hold for 3 to 5 breaths. 

Exhale: 11. Fold forward ½ Hanuman 

Inhale/Exhale: 12. Flatten lower back and round upper back, then lift front leg for 5 count

Inhale: 13. Transition forward onto the front foot

Exhale: 14. Standing splits -Holding 1st time through folding into standing leg

Inhale: 15. Plant right/ left hand on mat, open up into ½ moon hold 1st time through- stacking hip over hip and lifting leg higher with more engagement by flexing toes or foot. 

Exhale/Inhale: 16. With core control float back into Warrior II-check footprint upon landing

Inhaling reach forward- telescoping your waist reaching the wall in front of you before coming into #17

Exhale: 17.  Extended side angle (elbow to knee or hand to the floor) holding a few breaths refining the posture

Inhale: 18. Trikonasana 1st time through holding a few breaths refining the posture- use blocks or slide hand up your shin

Exhale: 19.  Extended side angle 

Inhale: 20. Reach up through your left/right hand into star pose. (toes point out) 

Exhale: 21. Goddess squat 

1st time through bring hands to knees. 21a.inhale: open chest bringing shoulders back 21b. Exhale: dip right/left shoulder and gaze over left/ right shoulder -Other Side, 21a and 21 b- 

Inhale: 22. Star pose 

Exhale: 23. . Warrior II BACK FACING 

23a straighten legs and reach up as you look up to you hands Repeating,  23a Inhale: Straighten front leg, reach up to the sky and 23 Exhale: back into a deeper more aligned Warrior II as you gaze over front arm. Repeat 3 to 5 times before ending in 23. Warrior II before moving on to 24.

Inhale: 24.  Reverse warrior 

Vinyasa (facing back of your mat) 

-OS- (other side)

Complete and Continue  